Friday, March 8, 2013

Tofu Scrambler

      Sorry I haven't posted anything this week. It's been pretty busy over here and I didn't have my computer for two whole days. I know I said I would post my vegan pho recipe and I will but I'm not sure where I put that recipe, so bear with me. Instead, I am going to be giving you my favorite vegan meal of all time recipe. This is pretty basic as far as being vegan goes. Before I went vegan I thought I was going to miss scrambled eggs. I actually can eat eggs, I just choose not to. Cheese and Eggs were the two hardest things for me to give up when I went vegan. Eggs to me are a comfort food, when I was sick as a kid my grandma would make me scrambled eggs on toast or egg in a hole. Yum.
      Now, when I went vegan I knew I would have to find something to replace it and sure enough, this did the trick. It's super easy to make, it tastes so yummy and it makes me feel better. I eat a tofu scrambler at least twice a week and whatever I don't eat goes into a container in the fridge. It works out perfectly because I can take the leftovers and make breakfast burritos with them in the mornings. I know the internet is crawling with recipes, and don't get me wrong, most are good (how anyone could screw up a scrambler is beyond me), but this one is mine and you know if I eat it that it has to be good. Also, experiment around, if you don't like tomatoes don't put them in there. You can add chopped garlic and Italian herbs and take out the cumin to make it Italian style. Have fun and play around with it! Anyway, here's the recipe.
Lisa's Tofu Scrambler
serves 4
1 Tbsp. olive oil
1 block tofu (crumbled, you can use firm, medium, or soft, just not silken)
1 small onion (diced)
1 C veggies (diced and whatever kind you want, I usually take whatever I have left over in the bin, or have a surplus of, today's was zucchini, carrots and bell peppers)
1 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. oregano
1 tsp. turmeric
2 Tbsp. nutritional yeast
2 Tbsp. Bragg's liquid aminos
1 Tbsp. mustard
1 tomato (diced)

Over medium heat put oil in pan and saute tofu, veggies and onion. Let cook until veggies are crisp but not hard. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well, it should turn the tofu yellow. Serve and eat.
You can also top it with some vegan cheese (Teese if you please!), fresh herbs, or salsa. MMM soo yummy! Enjoy!

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